Free Shipping On Orders Over CAD $99

日本 素肌美人 | 透明款 | 双眼皮贴 | 30对 | TRANSPARENT BARE SKIN EYE TAPE



成分/数量 [材质] 胶带(聚乙烯)、棒(聚丙烯)、片材(PET) 使用方法和用量 [使用方法] 1. 用特殊棒的扁平尖端,将其从片材上慢慢撕下。2. 2. 将胶带粘在您要制作盖子的位置下方。3. 3. 特制棒的尖端是圆形的,曲线被轻轻压制。


● 使用时注意不要揉眼睛。
● 敏感肌肤、儿童、过敏体质、皮肤有伤口、肿胀等异常情况时请勿使用。
● 请注意,在剧烈运动时佩戴它可能会对您的身体造成意想不到的伤害。
● 请勿用于预期用途以外的任何用途。
● 不要用力拉扯或施加不合理的负担。它可能已损坏。
● 根据使用条件,可能会发生变色、变色或质量下降。
● 远离火源,有变形和变质的危险。
● 切勿给 7 岁以下的儿童服用。
● 切勿舔它或将其放入口中。
● 附带的棍子很危险,因为它在功能上很锋利。请勿将其用于预期目的以外的任何目的。

日本 素肌美人 | 透明款 | 双眼皮贴 | 30对 | TRANSPARENT BARE SKIN EYE TAPE


SALE CA$9.99 (30.03% saved)
Purchase Notes:
1. If you choose in-store pickup, your order will usually be ready within 24 to 48 hours. It is recommended that you choose a pickup date after 48 hours
2. If you choose express, you need to meet a certain amount to get free shipping. Depending on the carrier, delivery time may vary, usually 2 to 5 business days from the date of shipment.
We are committed to the most timely and accurate description of the information of each product, but if we encounter adjustments or updates of product packaging, pictures, names, specifications, prices and other information, we will not give further notice. Please receive The real thing shall prevail.
1. No refunds, no returns.
2. Since and partner stores carry out high-frequency promotions at the same time, we do not provide 'price adjustment' and 'price match
Product number: 210000006976