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  • 身体变黑主要是由内衣引起的紧绷和摩擦,

  • 过度脱毛等引起的皮肤损伤,以及黑色素的过度形成引起的。

  • 此款去黑美白霜有抑制黑色素生成药用美白有效成分,持续性维生素C衍生物,给在意的發黑和暗沉部位带来彻底护理,引导肌肤还原本来的颜色。

  • 甘草根提取甘草酸2K,可以使得紫外线和刺激而受到的伤害减轻,避免脱毛等带来的皮肤粗糙,抑制黑色素生成色斑、雀斑,防止效果。

  • 质地是淡淡的粉红色的膏状,有湿润的保湿感,在美白的同时,更添加了保湿成份,解决了美白产品普遍存在的会使皮肤变干的问题。


1. 洗澡后,在需要涂抹的位置上直接使用。

2. 连续使用1~2个月左右,每天坚持使用,会有明显的效果哦!



品名:Dr.Ci.Labo城野医生 | 身体私处用去黑美白霜 | 50g


Dr.Ci.Labo城野医生 | 女性私处 除黑粉嫩 美白霜 | 50g


SALE CA$46.99 (42.56% saved)
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Most of our products are shipped or picked up from local stores. Few products marked as [THIS PRODUCT SHIPS DIRECTLY FROM JAPAN], we will deliver the products from our Japanese warehouse to the costomer's country ASAP. The purchase of such products may incur customs duties. If taxes and fees are incurred, the buyer shall pay in advance first, and contact our customer service for reimbursement with the package customs slip. If we judge that the order is not for normal personal consumption, or there are various situations such as secondary sales, we may cancel the order.
1. If you choose in-store pickup, your order will usually be ready within 24 to 48 hours. It is recommended that you choose a pickup date after 48 hours
2. If you choose express, you need to meet a certain amount to get free shipping. Depending on the carrier, delivery time may vary, usually 2 to 5 business days from the date of shipment.
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2. Since and partner stores carry out high-frequency promotions at the same time, we do not provide 'price adjustment' and 'price match
Product number: 210000002917