Free Shipping On Orders Over CAD $99





产品介绍:适用任何发质,特别是干枯及烫染受损发质 •两大美容液复合配方,让头发享受和肌肤一样的优质保养,从发根到发梢深层保湿滋润,恢复秀发柔顺亮泽 •毛发保湿成分:蜂王浆提取物深入渗透至受损发质,补水保湿,为发丝注入营养 •紧致发丝PCA成分修复因染烫而受损的发丝,使头发柔软顺滑易梳理

使用方式: 取适量洗发水揉搓起泡涂抹于秀发用指腹轻柔按摩头皮3分钟再用清水冲洗

注意事项: 1.请不要使用产品进入眼睛,如不慎进入,请立即用清水或温水冲洗 2.如头皮有伤口、肿胀,请勿使用 3.头皮出现不适时,请停止使用

日本FINO| 美容复合精华洗发水 |550ml| Fino Hair Shampoo


SALE CA$18.99 (31.6% saved)
Purchase Notes:
1. If you choose in-store pickup, your order will usually be ready within 24 to 48 hours. It is recommended that you choose a pickup date after 48 hours
2. If you choose express, you need to meet a certain amount to get free shipping. Depending on the carrier, delivery time may vary, usually 2 to 5 business days from the date of shipment.
We are committed to the most timely and accurate description of the information of each product, but if we encounter adjustments or updates of product packaging, pictures, names, specifications, prices and other information, we will not give further notice. Please receive The real thing shall prevail.
1. No refunds, no returns.
2. Since and partner stores carry out high-frequency promotions at the same time, we do not provide 'price adjustment' and 'price match
Product number: 210000009472